Monday 20 September 2010

Making Mabon Incense

Merry Meet Everyone!

I thought I would show you how I made my Incense for Mabon, to get your creative juices flowing for this week's celebration! It is so amazingly simple, that I don't even need to post pictures! All you need to remember when selecting your herbs for your incense, is to check that they are not toxic when burnt, and also the reason that you are blending them!

Mabon is all about Autumn and Harvest, so when I selected my herbs, I kept that in mind. You can use my recipe, or create your own - it is SO EASY to do!

  • Your chosen herbs - I used Pine Needles, Oak Leaves, Sage and Rosemary
  • A 'base herb' - This should be a resin which is almost like the 'binder' for them. I used Myrrh Resin
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Jar for storage
  • Book of Shadows
  • Charcoal Disc

Firstly, you need to select the herbs which are woodiest, as they take longer to grind. In my case, I did the pine needles and Oak leaves first - followed by the Rosemary and Sage. This is YOUR incense, so you can add as much or as little of each herb as you would like, but for info, I used a pinch of each!

After you have what resembles a rough powder, remove all of these herbs, and put your resin base in the mortar and pestle. I chose Myrrh for its strong ties to Mabon, but once again you can choose whichever you would like! My Myrrh is in gravel form so I used about a teaspoon - just enough for my liking. The reason that you want to remove the other herbs first is that resins can be sticky when you grind them - depending on the age of it.

When you have ground your resin, add it to the rest of the herbs in your jar.... shake it up and voila! Done! Now just store the mix in a cool dark place - preferably for over a week to allow the smells to permeate each other.... Write everything down in your Book of Shadows for future use! SIMPLE!

When you are ready to burn, heat a charcoal disc (this isnt the same as barbecue charcoal!) and pop it on the top! Like I said, this was just food for thought - let me know your own recipes and comment for others to see!

Until next time, Blessed Be!

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